As people graduate to different levels of financial success their needs change. To me, the word ‘concierge” often comes to mind when seeking specialized help. When it comes...
Wealth Management
Investing Strategies for Preserving Wealth
Some find it odd the focus on investing strategies for preserving wealth. After all, most of us spend much of our lives trying to accumulate a comfortable sum to acquire a...
Preserve Wealth Like a Millionaire
Growing up as a young boy on a farm in Iowa, being a millionaire was a BIG deal since very few had achieved the status of being one. Subsequently the need to preserve wealth...
9 Financial Planning Mistakes – Part 2
Avoiding mistakes, in comprehensive financial planning, can make achieving the goals and dreams much more effective. Part 1 of this three-part series explored three of the 9...
9 Financial Planning Mistakes
Using a comprehensive financial plan to plot a course to a highly probable path to achieve your goals and dreams makes sense. Yet, 9 common mistakes can trip investor up. This series of posts will expose some of the most common.
The “F” Word
Written by Courtney Grusendorf, White Oaks Intern: In financial planning, there is an “F” word that circulates throughout the industry: fiduciary. However, most people...
Seeking Good Questions in Financial Planning
True Wisdom is Knowing What You Don’t Know… Confucius You don’t know what you don’t know... Simon Sinek Good Questions or Good Answers?: Consumers of financial advice need...
Kissing Frogs for Portfolio Fit
As children we all heard of the princess who kissed the frog that turned into a handsome prince. I often claim one of White Oaks’ distinct advantages is that we have kissed...
Caring For Your Parents
Most parents rely on their children for help to manage their affairs as they grow older. Caring for your parents can be challenging- mine are retired and live in India, and...
Give the Gift of Savings this Holiday Season
As the holiday season approaches, we are bombarded with offers to spend our hard-earned money and valuable time on gifts, entertainment and travel. Much of that spending is...
Executive Financial Planning Query
The process is vital when preparing a financial plan for a business leader. An executive financial planning exercise often revolves around good questions One of the best...
The “Elements” of Financial Planning
Constant Changes As a career-long financial advisor, I recognize the value in planning- especially comprehensive financial planning. Last week, I went to Minnesota for a few...