Now more than ever, we are helping our clients and their families navigate the challenges that come with growing older.  Every situation is different.  Through our experience we’ve seen a variety of needs and outcomes. These outcomes include those that embrace aging on their own terms and those that ignore warning signs for too long.  Experience in a variety of situations has allowed us to build up a comprehensive list of resources and referrals.

Aging services resources:

  • Bill pay services
  • Elder law attorneys
  • Estate appraisers
  • Health and long-term care insurance experts
  • Senior living advisors
  • Home organization and staging professionals
  • Transportation arrangements
  • In-home care and services
  • Home maintenance

Easing the day to day

Paying bills can’t be avoided at any age, however elderly people and their loved ones can ease the burden when a bill pay service is used. Loved ones have their own bills to worry about, so it can be stressful to remember other important due dates that aren’t their own. Bill pay services ensure all the bills are being paid correctly and in a timely manner to relieve the stress of wondering if someone remembered to pay the utility bill.  At White Oaks, we are able to provide this service for you through our Family Office Services offering.

Protecting yourself and those you love

An elder law attorney can do many things and specializes in providing services for protecting the elderly. These professionals can help draft and amend wills, establish financial power of attorneys, and discuss topics around health care planning such as long-term care and health care directives. While these topics are often hard to discuss, it’s necessary to begin the process sooner rather than later to ensure that your desires or those of your loved ones are properly documented.

Valuing the invaluable

Estate appraisers are valuable both during life and when someone passes away. Many people own items that are hard to value, such as art or other collectibles. This can be stressful to the family when the value or a potential buyer is unknown. Therefore, an estate appraiser can help determine the value of assets and facilitate an estate sale or assist with another selling option to make the process easier. Valuing the entire estate helps fairly distribute assets, and subsequently it could also help the estate be taxed appropriately.

Written by Courtney Grusendorf, Cyndi Castle and Laura Nickolay

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