Estate planning is hard. Despite death being one of the only certainties in life, we don’t like to plan for it because we don’t like to think about it. In addition to the...
financial planning
Families and Financial Planning
Families and Financial Planning While studying Personal Financial Planning (PFP) at Texas Tech University, I noticed in one of my classes of 40 students, I was one of 10...
An Education in 529 Plans
The sweet smell of Martha’s cookies is in the air and the lakes are finally warm enough to dip a toe in. It is late summer here in Minnesota and that has us thinking about...
The “F” Word
Written by Courtney Grusendorf, White Oaks Intern: In financial planning, there is an “F” word that circulates throughout the industry: fiduciary. However, most people...
Bad Time to Retire?
Recently a headline in an industry publication got my attention. It screamed, “Sinking at Retirement”; proclaiming that this is the worst possible time to retire. Reason...
Shoulda, Woulda…
Financial Independence is a dream that many long to achieve. Most would likely agree that dwelling on the past seldom leads to reaching one’s goals and dreams. As only a...
Seeking Good Questions in Financial Planning
True Wisdom is Knowing What You Don’t Know… Confucius You don’t know what you don’t know... Simon Sinek Good Questions or Good Answers?: Consumers of financial advice need...
#HENRYs playing with #FIRE
In a world of acronyms, abbreviations and hashtags, even the financial planning industry isn’t safe from the pressure to communicate in this way. Two such examples came...
The “Elements” of Financial Planning
Constant Changes As a career-long financial advisor, I recognize the value in planning- especially comprehensive financial planning. Last week, I went to Minnesota for a few...
Investing and Preparing for the Storm
Investing and financial planning are often the center of my thoughts in this space. My events of dealing with a severe storm called a few similarities to mind. Irma is now...
Preparing for the Inevitable
It is very common today when executives and professionals of their wealth management strategy and investing, they recognize that the market has been through a significant...
Solve the Problem Backwards
Those who know me best appreciate the fact that I am a voracious reader. Put a cereal box in front of me, and I will read it front to back over a bowl of Cheerios. It's not...